Sunday, 31 May 2009

Classical Carrots

While I'm the headspace for it, I finally checked a long-standing 'to-do' item off my list today and re-scored a couple of scenes for Jennifer Gilbert's film "Don't Sit On Your Brother". Earlier this year I did the film's sound and editing and put together a piece of music for the end credits. There were two other scenes that warranted music which used some production archive cues originally. The limited allowance fair use of these pieces decrees meant that the film couldn't be screened internationally without paying royalty fees, and so the best compromise was simply to create an entirely original soundtrack. For the opening sequence I've used a slightly-modified instrumental track from my eternally-in-progress fourth Struwwelpeter album. It has a sort of 1950s big-band flavour that fits quite well with the era of the film. Another sequence is set during dinner, and for this I wrote a more classical type of piano piece. All dignified like, innit? Here's a clip of the latter scene:
I think the film works well for its target audience. As with Veronika's film, it's a very different type of story than I could come up with, so it was nice to get to be involved with them both. Let the brainwashing of our nation's children begin...

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