Continuing the second season of
Intimate Animation –
Skwigly podcast in which
Laura-Beth and I explore, discuss and interview the
talents behind animation that deals with adult themes of love,
relationships and sexuality – we welcome Netherlands-based director
Dario van Vree of
Studio Pupil, whose film
Tabook was released online this week to coincidence with Face Your Fears Day.
As well as his creative work at Studio Pupil, Dario was one of the original founders of the
KLIK! Amsterdam Animation Festival
and teaches animation at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam.
Using TVPaint to combine digital 2D character animation with
hand-crafted sets and a touch of CG, his film is a warmhearted tale of
overcoming one’s inhibitions and moving past fears of what others may
think of our natural impulses.
Also discussed in this episode: Animation sexploits at the
New York Museum of Sex (including work by
Polly Nor, Michael Sullivan and the 1929 animated ‘stag’ film
Buried Treasure) and the surprisingly on-point new adult animated Netflix sitcom
Big Mouth.
Stream below or
direct download: